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this trouble of thine about the things of sin?  Is that which is

pleasant to eat not made for the eater?  Is there poison in that

which is sweet to drink?  Trouble not thyself; but come with me to

another city。  There is a little city hard by in which there is a

garden of tulip…trees。  And there dwell in this comely garden white

peacocks and peacocks that have blue breasts。  Their tails when

they spread them to the sun are like disks of ivory and like gilt

disks。  And she who feeds them dances for their pleasure; and

sometimes she dances on her hands and at other times she dances

with her feet。  Her eyes are coloured with stibium; and her

nostrils are shaped like the wings of a swallow。  From a hook in

one of her nostrils hangs a flower that is carved out of a pearl。

She laughs while she dances; and the silver rings that are about

her ankles tinkle like bells of silver。  And so trouble not thyself

any more; but come with me to this city。'

But the young Fisherman answered not his Soul; but closed his lips

with the seal of silence and with a tight cord bound his hands; and

journeyed back to the place from which he had come; even to the

little bay where his love had been wont to sing。  And ever did his

Soul tempt him by the way; but he made it no answer; nor would he

do any of the wickedness that it sought to make him to do; so great

was the power of the love that was within him。

And when he had reached the shore of the sea; he loosed the cord

from his hands; and took the seal of silence from his lips; and

called to the little Mermaid。  But she came not to his call; though

he called to her all day long and besought her。

And his Soul mocked him and said; 'Surely thou hast but little joy

out of thy love。  Thou art as one who in time of death pours water

into a broken vessel。  Thou givest away what thou hast; and nought

is given to thee in return。  It were better for thee to come with

me; for I know where the Valley of Pleasure lies; and what things

are wrought there。'

But the young Fisherman answered not his Soul; but in a cleft of

the rock he built himself a house of wattles; and abode there for

the space of a year。  And every morning he called to the Mermaid;

and every noon he called to her again; and at night…time he spake

her name。  Yet never did she rise out of the sea to meet him; nor

in any place of the sea could he find her though he sought for her

in the caves and in the green water; in the pools of the tide and

in the wells that are at the bottom of the deep。

And ever did his Soul tempt him with evil; and whisper of terrible

things。  Yet did it not prevail against him; so great was the power

of his love。

And after the year was over; the Soul thought within himself; 'I

have tempted my master with evil; and his love is stronger than I

am。  I will tempt him now with good; and it may be that he will

come with me。'

So he spake to the young Fisherman and said; 'I have told thee of

the joy of the world; and thou hast turned a deaf ear to me。

Suffer me now to tell thee of the world's pain; and it may be that

thou wilt hearken。  For of a truth pain is the Lord of this world;

nor is there any one who escapes from its net。  There be some who

lack raiment; and others who lack bread。  There be widows who sit

in purple; and widows who sit in rags。  To and fro over the fens go

the lepers; and they are cruel to each other。  The beggars go up

and down on the highways; and their wallets are empty。  Through the

streets of the cities walks Famine; and the Plague sits at their

gates。  Come; let us go forth and mend these things; and make them

not to be。  Wherefore shouldst thou tarry here calling to thy love;

seeing she comes not to thy call?  And what is love; that thou

shouldst set this high store upon it?'

But the young Fisherman answered it nought; so great was the power

of his love。  And every morning he called to the Mermaid; and every

noon he called to her again; and at night…time he spake her name。

Yet never did she rise out of the sea to meet him; nor in any place

of the sea could he find her; though he sought for her in the

rivers of the sea; and in the valleys that are under the waves; in

the sea that the night makes purple; and in the sea that the dawn

leaves grey。

And after the second year was over; the Soul said to the young

Fisherman at night…time; and as he sat in the wattled house alone;

'Lo! now I have tempted thee with evil; and I have tempted thee

with good; and thy love is stronger than I am。  Wherefore will I

tempt thee no longer; but I pray thee to suffer me to enter thy

heart; that I may be one with thee even as before。'

'Surely thou mayest enter;' said the young Fisherman; 'for in the

days when with no heart thou didst go through the world thou must

have much suffered。'

'Alas!' cried his Soul; 'I can find no place of entrance; so

compassed about with love is this heart of thine。'

'Yet I would that I could help thee;' said the young Fisherman。

And as he spake there came a great cry of mourning from the sea;

even the cry that men hear when one of the Sea…folk is dead。  And

the young Fisherman leapt up; and left his wattled house; and ran

down to the shore。  And the black waves came hurrying to the shore;

bearing with them a burden that was whiter than silver。  White as

the surf it was; and like a flower it tossed on the waves。  And the

surf took it from the waves; and the foam took it from the surf;

and the shore received it; and lying at his feet the young

Fisherman saw the body of the little Mermaid。  Dead at his feet it

was lying。

Weeping as one smitten with pain he flung himself down beside it;

and he kissed the cold red of the mouth; and toyed with the wet

amber of the hair。  He flung himself down beside it on the sand;

weeping as one trembling with joy; and in his brown arms he held it

to his breast。  Cold were the lips; yet he kissed them。  Salt was

the honey of the hair; yet he tasted it with a bitter joy。  He

kissed the closed eyelids; and the wild spray that lay upon their

cups was less salt than his tears。

And to the dead thing he made confession。  Into the shells of its

ears he poured the harsh wine of his tale。  He put the little hands

round his neck; and with his fingers he touched the thin reed of

the throat。  Bitter; bitter was his joy; and full of strange

gladness was his pain。

The black sea came nearer; and the white foam moaned like a leper。

With white claws of foam the sea grabbled at the shore。  From the

palace of the Sea…King came the cry of mourning again; and far out

upon the sea the great Tritons blew hoarsely upon their horns。

'Flee away;' said his Soul; 'for ever doth the sea come nigher; and

if thou tarriest it will slay thee。  Flee away; for I am afraid;

seeing that thy heart is closed against me by reason of the

greatness of thy love。  Flee away to a place of safety。  Surely

thou wilt not send me without a heart into another world?'

But the young Fisherman listened not to his Soul; but called on the

little Mermaid and said; 'Love is better than wisdom; and more

precious than riches; and fairer than the feet of the daughters of

men。  The fires cannot destroy it; nor can the waters quench it。  I

called on thee at dawn; and thou didst not come to my call。  The

moon heard thy name; yet hadst thou no heed of me。  For evilly had

I left thee; and to my own hurt had I wandered away。  Yet ever did

thy love abide with me; and ever was it strong; nor did aught

prevail against it; though I have looked upon evil and looked upon

good。  And now that thou art dead; surely I will die with thee


And his Soul besought him to depart; but he would not; so great was

his love。  And the sea came nearer; and sought to cover him with

its waves; and when he knew that the end was at hand he kissed with

mad lips the cold lips of the Mermaid; and the heart that was

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