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Death World(科幻战争)-第31章

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were more orks coming; silhouettes through the haze; from the encampment; from the jungle。
Muldoon was pressing his lasgun into Lorenzo’s hands; saying; “Here—you can make better use
of this than I can。”
“What… what are you—?”
He wouldn’t have had to finish the question; even had the smoke not robbed him of speech。 He
could see the answer。 Muldoon was rummaging in his bandolier; finding a demolition charge with
each hand—and although Lorenzo’s first instinct was to stop him; to save him; he held himself back
because his comrade was grinning at him now。 “You saved my life。 That makes it my turn。 And
besides; I count nine greenskins on that tank。 Add them to the other five; and that’s my share and a
few for Brains to boot。” Looking into his comrade’s ashen face; Lorenzo saw the pain he was
holding at arm’s length; the darkness lurking at the edges of his eyes; and he knew then as Muldoon
surely did that this was how it had to be。
Then he was gone; tearing himself from Lorenzo’s grip before he could think of a word to say。
He was racing into the light—and before the orks knew what was happening; he was too close for
them to train their gun upon him; but not too close for them to bring their other weapon—the one on
the left—to bear…
It was a flamethrower。 That explained what this single wagon was doing out here; thought
Lorenzo; why the orks had assembled it in the depths of a jungle that would only impede it: they’d
been using it for clearance operations。 A fierce jet of flame licked around Muldoon now; and
although he seemed to avoid the worst of it; and though Lorenzo’s vision was obscured by smoke
and by the battlewagon’s glaring light; he was certain that Muldoon had been winged; that he’d been
burnt; and yet like the relentless orks themselves he kept going。
He vaulted over the guns onto the front of the tank; planting his feet and his fists into the faces
of the orks at the triggers。 Those behind saw the threat to them and; snarling; drew their own guns;
and one of them leapt at him but he turned its momentum and its weight against it; and threw it over
his shoulder and off the moving vehicle。 The others fired; and Muldoon’s body twitched and jerked
as their bullets ripped into him; and Lorenzo feared that he too would fall and die in a splatter of
mud and blood; but he was climbing—climbing onto the back of the battlewagon as if animated by
willpower alone; and he fell into the midst of the ork mob and they leapt upon him and tore him
apart; but by then his final goal had been achieved。
The charges blew the battlewagon apart from the inside; and eight orks died screaming。
By that time; Lorenzo had replaced the depleted pack in the lasgun his comrade had given him;
and he was firing at the shapes that loomed about him; making sure he kept moving; an impossible
target amid the sensory chaos。 He felt a grim sense of triumph as he claimed his tenth kill of the
night; and he thought of Sharkbait Muldoon and knew he would have been proud。
But he also knew he was surrounded; and the orks were homing in on him now; closing him
down。 They came at Lorenzo from all sides; moving in to close combat as usual; trusting in their
greater strength and numbers against his greater dexterity。 This time; he knew; he had no right to
expect a reprieve; no Marbo to save him。 He had used up all his luck。 So he dropped his gun and
hurled the last of his grenades; and he thought about how bravely Muldoon had died—and Donovits
too; he didn’t doubt—and he drew his Catachan fang。
And finally; Lorenzo ran to greet his enemies; with his trusty knife in his hand and a defiant roar
in his throat。
The fighting seemed to have gone on forever。
Lorenzo remembered the first tint of sunlight touching the sky; remembered how amazed he’d
been that only one night had passed because it seemed so long since he’d thought of anything but
blood and smoke and fire。 Yet when he looked back on that time; much of it was no more than a
blur of sneering ork faces and knife thrusts and death。 Lots of death。 He thought that; at one point;
he’d stood back to back with Sergeant Greiss; but he couldn’t be sure。 Once they’d moved into
hand…to…hand combat; he’d had no choice but to surrender himself to his instincts。 Otherwise he’d
have thought about the tiredness in his muscles and the aches from his bruises and the stilloverwhelming
odds against him; and he would have lain down and died。 Or; worse still; he’d have
thought about dying。
He could have died; and he’d probably have known nothing about it。 Just wound down like a
spring; from a wound he hadn’t yet felt; and that wouldn’t have been so bad; would it?
Lorenzo was fighting in his sleep; muscle memory twitching his arms in response to an
imaginary parade of blood…crazed enemies。 Somewhere in the back of his mind; he thought he must
have wondered if he would ever wake up; or if he would fight this nightmare struggle forever。
Yes; it had been a glorious battle。
And it was made all the more so by the fact that; in the end; Lorenzo felt sunlight touching his
face; and he opened his eyes and knew that he had lived。
It took him a moment to work out where he was。 The light was bright; but his surroundings seemed
dim。 He realised that the light was streaming through a small window; to be swallowed by the dust
and the dirt in here。
An ork hut。 Lorenzo was lying on a makeshift bunk; really no more than a pile of junk draped
with rags; and he was swaddled in stinking furs。 He was hot; burning up。 It crossed his mind only
briefly that the orks themselves might have brought him here; as a hostage。 That wasn’t their style。
The fact that he was here meant his small squad had achieved the impossible。 They had won。 But at
what price?
Lorenzo felt a stiffness in his side; and sent a tentative hand under his bulky coverings to
investigate。 His questing fingers found a hard knot of synth…skin; between the ribs in his right side;
and he winced at the sudden white hot memory of an axe blade scything through his flesh。 His
memories were disordered; still vague; but that pain; he felt sure; was among the most recent of
them。 He sighed regretfully。 He would have liked to be found standing; at the end。
“Hey; Lorenzo? You moving under all that lot?”
The familiar voice drew Lorenzo’s gaze to his left; to the next bunk; where lay Woods。 He must
have been injured too; though Lorenzo wouldn’t have known it from the cocky grin on his face。
“Bout time too;” said Woods。 “Been lying here awake on my own the past couple of hours; while
you’ve been snoring away。 What’s the point in winning the biggest damn scrap this squad’s ever
seen if you can’t jaw about it with your buddies afterwards; huh?”
“We… did win; then?”
Woods raised an eyebrow。 “I’ll put that down to your being flak happy。 Of course we won;
“What I mean is… I heard about Brains。”
Woods pouted。 “Yeah。 We lost Brains。 And they’re starting to give up on Sharkbait; too。 Been
looking for him all morning。”
Lorenzo’s mind’s eye flashed up a picture of Muldoon racing into the light of the ork
battlewagon; and he felt a pang in his stomach。 “They won’t find him;” he said numbly。 Woods
fixed him ost needy gaze; and Lorenzo realised that it was up to him to tell
Sharkbait Muldoon’s last story; to keep it alive。 He had that honour; and that responsibility。 So he
took a deep breath; closed his eyes for a moment as he picked his words; and he told it。
He emphasised how brave Muldoon had been。 He mentioned the gash in his head; because it
made him seem all the more heroic for having overcome such an injury—and he exaggerated the
number of orks on the wagon; that he had killed; because after all it had been dark and there’d been
so much smoke and there could have been fourteen or fifteen of them; and Lorenzo didn’t want to
sell his comrade short。 Woods listened to the story with growing admiration; and when it was done
he breathed in through his teeth and agreed that Sharkbait had died well。 Lorenzo felt an odd sort of
pride at having been there; at having seen something so inspiring; but most of all at knowing he’d
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