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Death World(科幻战争)-第28章

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Lorenzo cleaned his hands on a leaf; and waited for Muldoon to appear again。 This time; once
he’d pointed out the tripwire; he beckoned him forward。 Greiss came too; holding up a hand to halt
the troopers behind him。
“I think we need to bear a little further north;” whispered Lorenzo; displaying his damaged
“That’ll take us closer to the orks。” Muldoon pointed out。
But Greiss looked down at his own feet; and scowled。 “Lorenzo’s right。 No point our finding
Big Green if we’re all walking on bloody stumps by the time we do。” Then; with grudging
admiration; he conceded; “Mackenzie was right about that greenskin。 Building his camp on the edge
of the swamp; making the best of the natural defences—he’s a clever bastard; all right。”
The encampment was even closer than Lorenzo had estimated。
Almost as soon as he changed his course; he found himself at the edge of a clearing; a little
smaller than the Imperial Guard’s; crammed with ramshackle buildings of metal and wood。
He lay and watched it for a while; scrutinising each shadow until he was sure of its nature; until
he knew it wasn’t an enemy waiting in ambush。 He studied the ork huts; familiarising himself with
their layout; with every blind corner from which an ork or a gretchin could spring out at him as he
passed。 He saw no sentries—which worried him; because he knew there would be sentries。
At last; Lorenzo glanced behind him; saw his squad waiting; gave them a thumbs…up signal and
moved on。 He moved on slowly—almost painfully so; knowing that stealth was more imperative
now than ever。 A single thin line of trees separated him from the orks。 He had to make maximum
use of the scant cover he had—and he had to be sure he didn’t make the slightest sound。
It seemed to take an age for him to reach that first danger point; that first gangway between two
huts; to be able to edge forward and peer down it; to reassure himself that it was empty。 It seemed to
take an age—although he knew it had only been a few minutes。 But Lorenzo wasn’t impatient。 He
lived for moments like this。
There was something in the trees ahead of him。
He froze。
It was taller than a man; but hunched; enormous arms hanging down to its knees; its shoulders
broad and muscular。 It was wearing dulled armour—and; although the darkness made it difficult to
pick out colours; the skin that showed through the metal plates had a decidedly green tint。
The ork didn’t seem to be trying to hide。 Lorenzo wondered; for a heart…stopping moment; if it
was searching for him; if it had heard something。 Any closer; and he feared it might catch his scent。
Then it turned away from him; grunting as it fumbled with its protective metal layers; and he
realised it had only come out here to relieve itself。 Lorenzo would never find an enemy more
exposed; more helpless; he could attack it from behind; wrap a cord around its throat and strangle it。
But orks were a sturdy breed; and it would certainly have struggled loudly as it died。 Reluctantly; he
let it be—and when it had done its business; the ork shuffled away and faded into the shadow of a
metal hut。
Lorenzo crept forward again。 He stepped over another tripwire; and waited to point it out to
Muldoon。 Glancing ahead; he saw that he was almost there; almost past the camp。 Maybe they’d call
him “Sneaky” Lorenzo。 No; he wasn’t sure he liked that。 “Shadow” Lorenzo? “Sly” Lorenzo?
They were hushed—but against the muted sounds of the night; they sounded unnatural; harsh
and as loud as las…fire discharges。
He thought one of the voices belonged to Greiss。 There was an urgent tone to it; almost a plea。
Lorenzo looked to the ork camp; certain that the voices must have carried that far; but nothing was
stirring。 Not yet。 He ached to know what was happening; but he knew he ought to maintain his
position。 He sheathed his knife and fingered his lasgun; ready to draw it if necessary。
The explosion caught him totally unawares。
The night erupted into daylight; too quickly; too shockingly; for Lorenzo to avert his gaze; to
protect his night vision。 He was half blinded。
But; as the echoes of the explosion died away and his deadened ears popped; he could hear
movement and grunting from the encampment just a few footsteps away。 And the shadows; the only
things he could make out now; were shifting。
Lorenzo’s mind raced。 Had his comrades blundered into a trap he had missed? Had something
else found them? Was it his fault?
There had to have been casualties; he realised; his throat drying at the thought。 The explosion
had been centred right at the spot where he’d heard Greiss’ voice。 It had sounded like a frag
The shadows were converging on that spot now; orks snarling and roaring with battle lust as
they rushed to defend their territory。
A wave of despair passed over Lorenzo as he realised it didn’t matter now which of his
comrades were alive or dead。 The orks knew where they were—and as Greiss had said; the orks
outnumbered them thirty to one。 They had nowhere to run; trapped between the encampment on one
side and the acid swamp on the other。
There was no doubt about it。 They were all dead。
The orks were an oncoming mass; one indistinguishable from the next; at least to Lorenzo’s
compromised sight。 The air was filled with noise; and the ground shook to the staccato flashes of
more explosions: makeshift grenades; hurled over the heads of the orks’ front ranks by those in the
In response; las…fire barked out of the jungle; striking the foremost orks and passing through
them into their comrades。 Lorenzo felt like cheering。 At least five; six; seven of his fellow Catachans
were alive and fighting back—and the next explosions blossomed in the heart of the orks’ own
ranks。 The Jungle Fighters’ frag grenades were more effective than the orks’ bombs; because the
greenskins were packed so closely together; each of them more likely to take a shrapnel hit。 Their
armour; and their thick hides; would protect them from the worst of it; but many would be injured;
some badly。 Some were knocked off their feet by the concussive force of the blasts; as Lorenzo’s
eyes cleared; he saw orks stumbling over each other; trampling on the fallen; pushing each other
aside—and yet still advancing。
They didn’t know where he was。
As the orks closed in on Lorenzo’s squad; he realised they were passing him by; in his solitary
position ahead of the others。 The others were dead anyway。 He had a chance to save himself; to
sneak away; maybe take a report back to Lieutenant Vines so that the next men sent out here would
know what lay ahead of them。
He didn’t consider it for a second。
Lorenzo broke cover; letting out the loudest; wildest war cry in his repertoire; his finger locked
around the trigger of his lasgun so that it fired repeatedly into the enemy mass。 He didn’t care how
accurate his shots were; chances were they’d find a few orks wherever he aimed them。 He just
wanted to draw attention to himself。 Maybe—with luck—convince the greenskins that he was more
than one trooper; that their enemies had surrounded them in a pincer movement。 The more of them
he could distract from his squad; the better their chances would be; the worse his own chances。
He was dead anyway; he told himself。 They were all dead。 But the longer the Jungle Fighters
survived; the more orks they could take down with them。 The more orks they took down; the greater
the chance there’d be stories told of them back home。 Assuming that; by some miracle; this story
made it back home at all。
The nearest orks responded with alarm and confusion to Lorenzo’s attack; took a moment to
pinpoint the source of it; and aimed their weapons: crude; solid…shot guns。 They were too slow。
Lorenzo had already dived into the sheltered gap between two huts; and he was still running as
bullets pinged off metal behind him。 He heard grunts and howls and footsteps; and he knew he’d
succeeded in drawing the attention of a few dozen orks。 Now he just had to survive the
consequences of that success。
He ducked and weaved and twisted between huts at random。 The longer he could keep his
pursuers search
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