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Death World(科幻战争)-第17章

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them as sharp as he remembered。
Then Lorenzo turned back to the blue light; and found it waiting。
He should have called out to Dougan; but he didn’t want to scare the light away。 He should have
woken the others; but the light made him think they would steal his glory。 He shouldn’t have
abandoned them; sleeping; helpless; relying on him to keep them safe; but it was only a few steps
and he was in control。
Just a few steps。
Then a few steps more。
The jungle closed around Lorenzo; but that was alright because he hadn’t come far。 He knew he
hadn’t come far; because he hadn’t reached the light yet; and he knew the light hadn’t moved。 He
knew that; if he looked back; he would still see the camp。 His comrades would hear him if he called。
Not that he was likely to call。 He didn’t need them。 In his mind; Lorenzo had left the jungle of
Rogar III for a different jungle altogether: that of his home world。 He was leading a group of
children—some of them his children; probably—on a hunt; and they were hanging on his every
word of advice; looking at him with awe in their eyes。 A man who had earned his name; and more。
One of Catachan’s greatest heroes; and yet still humble enough to spend time with them; to pass on
his wisdom。
Lorenzo pointed out a deadly spiker plant lurking in the foliage; and they gave it a wide berth。
He heard snuffling ahead; and he held up his hand for silence。 He crept forward; pushing aside the
vegetation with his las…gun。 There it was; in the centre of a small clearing; basking in the sunlight:
The most fearsome of his world’s predators; near legendary throughout the Imperium。 The beast
after which his own regiment had been named。 A Catachan Devil。
They were downwind of it; and it hadn’t scented them。 Lorenzo beckoned to the children to
come forward; to take a look at the beast。 They obeyed; and let out hushed gasps of fear and wonder。
Lorenzo recalled how; at their age; he had been afraid too; and he resolved to prove to them that
there was no need; that Man could always triumph over Nature。 If he was the right man。
At their age…
He laid his gun aside。 This would be a fair fight。 Lorenzo drew his knife—a devil claw; the
finest of all Catachan blades; over a metre in length—and he pounced。 The creature reared up on six
bristling legs; opened its mighty claws; and whipped its spiny tail around to sting him。 It was fast。
He had almost forgotten how fast。 Or perhaps it was just that he had slowed down with age。 How
old was he now; anyway?
He could still take it。
Lorenzo landed in the spot where the creature had been; his knife raised to strike。 But the Devil
was no longer there。 He whirled; disoriented; but saw no trace of it。 How could it have escaped from
him? From… from… what was his earned name; anyway? He felt confused; standing in that
clearing alone。 Confused and humiliated。 He thought he could hear the children laughing at him。
Then Lorenzo glimpsed a spiny tail a short distance ahead of him; and he knew what had
happened。 The Catachan Devil had simply wandered away; in search of a better light。 A soft blue
light。 He could see it through the trees; and though he didn’t know what the light was; he didn’t
wonder。 The light was safe。 Everything made sense again。 Except…
How had he got so old?
Lorenzo knew what the children said about him behind his back。 They said he couldn’t be a hero
as he claimed; because he had survived the war when all the real heroes had died。 They called him a
coward; said he’d never taken a risk; never distinguished himself。 Never earned his name after all。
He could hear their taunts now。 He tried to blot them out; tried to focus on the creature in the blue
light ahead of him。 He couldn’t see it anymore; but he could see the light; and he approached it with
increasingly urgent steps。 In that light; he would prove them all wrong about him。 “I don’t know but
I’ve been told; Jungle Fighters don’t grow old…”
This wasn’t what Lorenzo wanted。
Even if it had been; he knew it was an impossible dream。 Few Jungle Fighters ended their days
like this; and he had never expected to be one of them。
It wasn’t real。
It wasn’t real。
With that sudden knowledge; he snapped back to the present; to Rogar III。 It hit him between the
eyes like a smack of cold air; and he was on the bank of a stagnant lake; one foot poised over its
surface。 He pulled back; and sent loose dirt skittering over the side。 As it hit; it evaporated in a cloud
of white steam。 Acid。
The blue light was hovering in the centre of the lake—but now; as if it knew its ploy had failed;
it blinked out again and left Lorenzo in the dark。 Alone。 Without his lasgun。
In a part of the jungle he had not seen before。
Lorenzo was afraid。
It was a feeling to which he wasn’t accustomed。 But then; nor was he used to being alone;
separated from his squad—to having abandoned them。 It was their lives he was afraid for; not his
He didn’t know where he was; nor where Dougan had got to。 He didn’t know how far he had
walked; mesmerised by the blue light。 He just knew he had to get back to the campsite。 He crashed
through the jungle; following a trail he didn’t remember leaving; cursing himself for his weakness。
It wasn’t as if he hadn’t been warned。 He could see it clearly now。 The light had been inside him
all the time; a more subtle presence than he could have imagined。 It had heightened his desires and
his fears; whatever it had taken to lead him where it had wanted him to go。 To his death。 He had
been lucky。 It hadn’t been strong enough。
Somehow; he had found the will to focus; to snap himself out of its spell。
The only thing he wanted right now; the total of his hopes and ambitions; was to find his
comrades alive。 He remembered what Dougan had said; how he’d suspected that the blue light was
trying to lure them away。 What if there had been an attack in his absence? What if they were all
dead; and it was his fault?
Dougan。 Suddenly; Lorenzo could hear his voice again; and see the intensity in his gaze。 “Let
me do this… I need to do this!” He hadn’t questioned him; hadn’t seen that the light had cast its
spell over Dougan too。
He stumbled to a halt。 Somehow; impossibly; his trail had petered out。
He was lost for a moment; scrabbling in the undergrowth; looking for something—a snapped
twig; a crushed leaf—anything to show he had passed this way before。 There was nothing。 Until;
just as he was beginning to give up hope; wondering if he should risk calling out to the others;
Lorenzo’s fingers brushed against something。 Something cold; hard; smooth; angular。 Wood and
His lasgun。 He had to tear it from the clutches of weeds; as if it had lain here for weeks; been
claimed as the jungle’s own。 He felt another stab of anxiety。 He didn’t feel as if more than a few
minutes; maybe a half…hour; had passed; and the pre…dawn sky supported that theory—but in the
blue light’s embrace; time hadn’t meant a great deal。 His comrades’ corpses could be rotting
He tried not to think about it。 No point in worrying about what he couldn’t change。 Just get back
to the campsite; and deal with what was real。
A pair of yellow lizard eyes blinked at Lorenzo from under a flowering plant。 He fried their
owner with a las…round; just to test that his gun wasn’t clogged。
A faint breath of air caressed his face; and made his scratches sting。 So; he hadn’t been
entranced long enough for them to heal。 He remembered stalking an imaginary Devil; standing
downwind of it。 He had to hope that this part of the fantasy; at least; had been real。 He closed his
eyes and oriented himself at the spot where he’d found the lasgun; tried to transport himself back to
that Catachan clearing and to mentally retrace his steps towards it。
When he opened his eyes again; he knew which way he had to go。
Lorenzo heard movements through the trees—and was that the sergeant’s voice?
He broke into a run; and came up short when two familiar figures loomed before him;
Armstrong and Landon。
“What happened?” asked Armstrong and Landon at the same time。
“We’ve been searching for you;” said Armstrong。 “Where—?”
“Is every
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