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The Eisenhorn TrilogyXenos(科幻战争)-第68章

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As we hurried forward through the backwashing smoke; our landing ships rising back into the pre…dawn sky behind us; there was a
tremor and a palpable upwelling of psychic force。 Frighteningly powerful waves of psyker power erupted from the epicentre of Site A;
killing over thirty of the forward troops… and then suddenly cut off。
We had all anticipated Quixos would have vast psychic defences … he had; after all; been collecting psykers like Esarhaddon … and it
seemed likely that active psychic assaults would be a key element of his resistance; perhaps even more significant than his
daemonhosts。 I had taken no chances。
In two groups; my entire Distaff of untouchables; some fifty individuals all told; had moved in alongside the first ground…troop
advances。 Bequin; guarded by Nayl and twelve of my warrior staff; led one group; and Thula Surskova; protected by Fischig and a
dozen more fighters; led the other。
The Distaff had never been used on such a scale before; but it proved to be the weapon I had always suspected。 The blankness they
generated contained and negated the engulfing psychic storm; effectively bottling it inside Site A and preventing it from threatening
our closing forces。
WITH INSHABEL; I moved underground; down the rock…cut steps into the inner sectors of Site A。 For almost an hour we fought our way
through the smoked…swathed surface structures; a metre at a time。 Now; with the sun rising; we found our first access point to the
lower levels: a stairwell exposed by a bomb crater。
The place was strewn with smouldering debris and a few unidentifiable bodies。 In places; power cables were hanging; sparking; from
the rockcrete roof。 We both wore motion trackers; and switched left and right; gunning down cultists as they appeared。 My boltgun
was already running short of shells; and Inshabel was on to his second…to…last power cell。 The level of resistance was unbelievable。
At a junction in the seemingly random jumble of tunnels; we encountered Endor。 He had a couple of Thracian troopers and an
Inquisition guardsman with him; but he'd lost both of his slow…moving attack…servitors。 I knew what he was thinking just by the look
in his eyes。 We had come in strong and confident; but perhaps not strong enough。 I thought I had anticipated the worst Quixos could
throw against us。 Maybe I had underestimated him after all。
Ferocious bursts of shooting alerted us to a firefight in a larger chamber to the left。 We arrived in time to meet four wounded; terrified
Thracian troopers fleeing towards us。
'Back! Go back!' they were screaming。
I pushed past them。
The chamber beyond was massive and half…filled with veiling smoke。 Green; unnatural flames were licking up the walls。 At the far
end; the already huge chamber seemed to open out into something much; much vaster。
But that was not what occupied my eyes。
Surrounded by over fifty bodies; most of them Imperial Guards; Commodus Voke was standing his ground against Prophaniti。
The old inquisitor was shuddering; his robes stiffening with psychic ice。 Corposant fire glowed from his mouth and eyes。 The
daemonhost; its cruel features just recognisable as a distortion of poor; lost Husmaan's face; hovered in front of Voke; struggling at an
invisible barrier of telekinetic wrath。
We ran forward; abruptly drawing fire from cultists spreading into the chamber from the right。 The Thracian beside me bucked and
twitched as he was hit twice; and Inshabel cursed as he was winged。
Endor urged the remaining men to advance on his lead; and took the fight to the cultists; his laspistol blazing and his chainblade
Voke was close to breaking。 I could see him wavering under the immense pressure。
I bolstered my boltgun and stumbled across the bodies and debris to aid him; praying that my runestaff would do what it was supposed
And a dizzying blast of white light and scourging heat blew me back through the air。
I TRIED TO get up; half…realising that I had been blown clean out of the chamber; through a flakboard partition into some kind of dank
chute。 Invisible forces lifted me to my feet。 Light bathed me。
Cherubael hovered before me。

'Gregor;' it said。 'You've come so far。 I knew you had it in you。'
I held the runestaff in front of me。 The green marble scroll of daemonic protection that Ravenor had sent had already been reduced to
a shattered remnant by the force of Cherubael's opening attack。
'I've waited for this moment for such a long time;' said the daemonhost。 'Remember on Eechan I said you'd have to make things up to
me? Well; this is the time。 Now。 This is the moment that everything's been about。 The one I have seen coming since our paths first
crossed。 Destinies… our destinies; intertwined; remember that?'
'How could I forget?' I spat。 'You claim to have been using me all along! Guiding me! Even protecting me! I watched you kill Lyko on
Eechan! So that I would live… for this moment? Why?'
Cherubael smiled。 'When the warp is in you as it is in me; you see time from all angles。 You see what will be and what will come;
what someone here now will do in a century or two; what someone there has done a thousand years in the past。 You see the
'Riddles! That's all you ever speak!'
'No more riddles; Eisenhorn。 From the moment I first met you; I saw you were the only one; the only one with the tenacity; the skill
and the opportunity to give me what I want。 What I want most of all。 I saw that if I kept you safe; you would come and give me that
most precious thing here; on this world; at this hour。'
'I would never help a daemon like you!'
Cherubael grinned; blank…eyed and utterly serious。 'Then destroy me; if you can。'
It lunged。 I raised the runestaff and channelled my will down through the psi…conductive pole into the lodestone。 The carved fragment
of the Lith blazed with blue light。
PONTIUS GLAW KNEW a thing or two about daemonhosts。 Their greatest weakness was the strength of the will that had bound them as
slaves。 The runestaff; so carefully prepared and constructed; so painstakingly etched with the ancient symbols of control; was a lever
to topple that binding will by amplifying my own to levels that would overwhelm it。
For a brief moment; I felt how it must feel to be an alpha…plus psyker。
The scintillating spear of energy that shot from the lode…stone struck Cherubael in the chest。
The daemonhost smiled for a second; and then its flesh…vessel ruptured open; billowing a storm of Chaos…fire in all directions。 I had
cast it out of its binding and banished it back into the warp。
And in the moment as my amplified mind overmastered his; I saw the years of enslavement it had endured af Quixos's hands; the
torments of its binding; the great; forbidden text of the Malus Codicium whose arcane knowledge Quixos had used to create his
And I realised that I had given Cherubael exactly what it wanted after all。
I STUMBLED BACK into the main chamber。 By then; Voke; whose resistance to Prophaniti had been astonishing; was dead。
I remembered Voke's words after the atrocity on Thracian: 'I will make amends。 I will not rest until every one of these wretches is
destroyed; and order restored。 And then I will not rest until I find who and what was behind it。'
He could rest now。 That work was done。
The daemonhost was casting the valiant old man's empty husk of a body aside and gliding towards Endor and Inshabel; who were both
already on their knees in agony。 Cyan flames washed from Prophaniti's fingertips and wrapped my two friends in tight; burning
psychic shackles。 They were trapped morsels for it to feed off at its leisure。
Prophaniti froze when I appeared; instinctively knowing I posed a more serious threat。 The Lith…stone was still smoking with bloodred
The daemonhost surged through the air at me; teeth bared; arms spread; incandescent with light; baying my name。 It was like facing
the attack run of a supersonic warcraft firing all guns。 I know so。 It is my misfortune to have experienced that too。
Prophaniti whooped with glee。
'At Kasr Geth; you told me to make my weapons sounder next time; monster!' I howled; and impaled its charging form on the steel
pole of the runestaff。 'Is this soun
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