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The Eisenhorn TrilogyXenos(科幻战争)-第60章

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That was good enough for him。 I oved。
One day in the sixth week of our increasingly prolonged stay; he called me to his workshop。
It lay beneath the main chapel of the annex and was two storeys deep; a veritable smithy alive with engineering machines and
apparatus the purposes of which baffled me。 Steam…presses hammered and banged; and screy own

projects; there was much work to do repairing the annex and the translithopede。 I walked down through the swathes of steam and
found Bure supervising two servitors who were machining symbols into a two…metre long pole of composite steel。
'Eisenhorn;' he said; raising his bright green eye…lights to look at me。
'How goes the work?'
'I feel like a warsmith; back in the foundries of the forge worlds; when I was flesh。 The specifications you have asked for are difficult;
but not impossible。 I enjoy a challenge。'
I took several sheets of paper from my coat pocket and handed them to him。 'More notes; taken during my last interview with Glaw。
I've underlined the key remarks。 Here; he suggests electrum for the cap piece。'
'I was going to use iron; or an iron alloy。 Electrum。 That makes sense。' He took my notes over to a raised planning table that was
littered easuring tools and data…slates。 Pages of notes that I had already provided him with were piled up;
along with the psychomet…rically captured images Ungish had drawn from my mind of the Cadian pylons; Cherubael; Prophaniti; and
the ornaments he had worn。
'I'm also pondering the lodestone for the cap。 I considered pyraline or one of the other tele…empathic crystallines like epidotrichite; but
I doubt any of them would have the durability for your purposes。 Certainly not for more than one or two uses。 I also thought of tabular
'What's that?'
'A silicate we use in mind…impulse devices。 But I'm not convinced。 I have a few other possibilities in mind。' It was a measure of the
trust Bure showed me that he felt he could mention such Cult Mechanicus secrets so freely。 I felt honoured。
'Here's the haft;' he said; showing me to the etching bench where the two servitors were machining the decoration of the long pole。
'Superficially。 There's a titanium core surrounded by an adamantium sleeve under the steel jacket。 The titanium is drilled with
channels that carry the conductive lapidorontium wires。'
'It looks perfect;' I said。
'It is perfect。 Virtually perfect。 It's machined to within a nanometre of your measurements。 Let me show you the sword。'
I followed him to a workbench at the far end of the smithy where the sword lay on a rest under a dust sheet。
'What do you think?' he asked; drawing the cloth back。
Barbarisater was as beautiful as I remembered it。 I admired the fresh pentagrammatic wards that had been etched in the blade since I
had last seen it; ten on each side。
'It is a remarkable artifact。 I was almost unwilling to make the alterations you requested。 As it was; I wore out eight adamantium drill
bits on this side alone。 The hardened steel skin of the blade around the solid core has been folded and beaten nine hundred times。 It is
beyond anything we can manufacture today。'
I would owe Clan Esw Sweydyr for this weapon; as I already owed them for Arianrhod's life。 I should have returned it to their care;
for it was part of their clan legacy and usuril; or ''living story''。 It was mine to safeguard; not to take; and certainly not to deface this
way。 But face to face with Prophaniti at Kasr Gesh I had learned two things。 Indeed; that monstrous thing had told them to me。
Pentagrammatic wards worked against dae…monhosts; but they were no stronger than the weapon that bore them。
To my certain knowledge; there were few finer; stronger blades in human space。 I would make my peace and apologies to the clans of
Carthae in time; fates permitting。
I went to touch it; but Bure stopped me。 'It is still resting。 We must respect its anima。 In a few days; you can take it。 Train with it well。
You must know it intimately before you use it in combat。'
He accompanied me to the door of the forge。 'Both weapons must be blessed and consecrated before use。 I cannot do that; though I can
ceremonially dedicate their manufacture to the Machine God。'
'I have already planned for their consecration;' I said。 'But I would welcome your ceremony。 When I go against Quixos; I can think of
no more potent a patron god to be looking down over me than your Machine Lord。'
'WE WILL BE leaving in a few days;' I told him。
The casket was silent for a while。 'I will miss our conversations; Eisenhorn。'
'Nevertheless; I have to go。'
'You think you're ready?'
'I think this part of my readiness is complete。 Is there anything else you can tell me?'
'I have been wondering that。 I cannot think of anything。 Except…'
'Except what?'
The lights around the engram sphere twinkled。 'Except this。 Apart from everything you've learned from me; the secrets; the lore; the
mysteries; you must know that going after this foe is… dangerous。'
I laughed involuntarily。 'I think I've worked that much out already; Pontius!'
'No; you don't know what I mean。 You have the determination; I know; the ambition; I know that too … you have the knowledge; we
assume; and the weapons too; we hope … but unless your mind is prepared; you will perish。 Instantly; and no ward or staff or blade or
rune will save you。'
'You sound like… you care if I lose。'
'Do I? Then consider this; Gregor Eisenhom。 You may deem me a monster beneath contempt; but if I do care; what does that say about
me? Or you?'
'Goodbye; Pontius Glaw;' I said; and closed the cell hatches behind me for the last time。
I WILL RECORD this thought now; because I feel I must。 For all that Pontius Glaw was… and for all that came later; I cannot shake my
bond to him; though I try。 There; in the cell on Cinchare; and a century before in the dim hold of the Essene; we had spoken together
for hundreds of hours。 I had no doubt that he was an unforgivably evil thing; and that he would have killed me in a second during
those times had he been allowed the chance。 But he was a being of extraordinary intellect; wit and learning。 Admirable in so many;
strange ways。 But for that tore; Aaa's tore; back on that spring day on Quenthus; his life may have been different。
And if it had been different; and we had met; we would have been the greatest of friends。
WE HAD STAYED on Cinchare for three months。 Too long; in my opinion; but there had been no way to speed the preparatory work。
We celebrated Candlemas in the little chapel of the Ministorum off the plaza; lighting candles to welcome the new Imperial year; and
lighting others to commemorate the town's dead。 Aemos and Bequin read the lessons; for all of the Ecclesiarchs were amongst the
remembered dead。 Bure and his tech…adepts worshipped with us; and he hovered to the choir rail under the great statue of the God…
Emperor to lead us in the devotional prayers。
I was fretful and edgy。 Partly because I was anxious to get underway now; but also because of the lore in my head; the mysteries to
which Glaw had introduced me。 So much; so much of it dark。 I knew I was a changed man; and that change was permanent。
But I considered that a year before … just a year; though it felt much; much longer … I had been a helpless prisoner in the bleak
Carnificina; and Candlemas had passed me by before I had realised it。
I was not that man any more either; and that change had been nothing to do with Pontius Glaw's whispered secrets。 For all the
darkness swilling in my head; it was better to be here; strong and ready; fortified; in the company of friends and allies。
There was no choirmaster to play the organ; so Medea had brought her father's Glavian lyre; and played the Holy Triumph of the
Golden Throne so that we could all sing。
THAT NIGHT; WE feasted in the refectory of the Cult Mechanicus to honour the start of 341。M41。 Maxilla; who remained on duty
aboard the Essene; sent a banquet to us on a shuttle; along with servitors to wait upon us。 One of them reported that a vast storm of
meteors had swarmed across the sky at the stroke of midnight; lighting the night side of Cinchare with their fires。 Nayl growled that
this was a bad omen; but Inshabel i
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