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The Eisenhorn TrilogyXenos(科幻战争)-第21章

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 his robed and
hooded acolytes murmured prayers of grace and deliverance; Inquisitor Lyko set down his plasma gun。
'The Emperor will thank you; Lyko;' I said。
He glanced round; seeing me for the first time。 'Eisenhorn。' He nodded。 His narrow face was lined and taut and his blue eyes hooded。
He was only about fifty years old sidereal; a mere youth by inquisitional standards。 Young enough for his promising career to survive
the way this day's atrocity would tarnish his achievement on Dolsene。
'I do not serve the Emperor for his gratitude。 I do it for the glory of the Imperium。'
'Quite so;' I said。 I looked back at the molten heat that had been our quarry。 It mattered little to me that I'd made this opportunity for
Lyko。 He could take the glory。 I didn't care。 The escape of the psykers had stolen much of the glory he had received of late。 Hunting
them down was the only way he could make amends。
PLANETWIDE; THERE WAS some sense of rejoicing when it was announced that Lord Commander Helican had survived the carnage
unscathed; and that Warmaster Honorius would live。 That announcement came on the sixth day of unrest; by which time the Imperial
authorities had begun to reimpose order on the stricken citizens of Thracian Primaris。 But it helped。 Common folk who assumed

themselves to be lost were calmed into believing law was back in the hands of the great and good。 Panics died away。 Arbites units
unleashed their last few suppression raids against the die…hard recidivist looters in the lowhabs。
My own spirits were not much lifted。 For a start I was privy to the confidential fact that Lord Commander Helican had actually died
screaming and shitting himself under a crash…diving Imperial Navy Lightning on the Avenue of the Victor Bellum。 A double had been
arranged by the Ecclesiarchy and the Helican Senatorum; and that double continued to act in his place until; several years later; he
''died naturally of old age'' and a successor was established in less…turbulent circumstances。
I can speak of that public deceit now in this private record; but at the time; communicating that secret was a death…crime for even the
highest lord of the Imperium。 I was not about to break that confidence。 I am an inquisitor and I understand how fundamental it is to
maintain public order。
IN ADDITION TO fatigue and the pain of my wounds; what darkened my mood was the news about Gideon Ravenor。 Now; of course; we
all understand what a priceless and brilliant contribution he was to make to Imperial learning; and how that would never have
happened if he had not been confined to a life of mental rumination。
But back then; in that stinking hospice ward off the Street of Prescients; all I saw was a young man; burned and crippled and
physically paralysed; a brilliant inquisitor ruined before he could fulfill his potential。
Ravenor; in the eyes of some; had been lucky。 He had not been amongst the one hundred and ninety…eight Inquisition personnel killed
outright by the crashing fighter that fell into the Great Triumph beyond the Spatian Gate。
He; like fifty others; had been caught on the edge of the explosion and lived。
My pupil was barely recognisable。 A blood…wet bundle of charred flesh。 One hundred per cent burns。 Blind; deaf; mute; his face so
melted that an incision had been made in the fused meat where his mouth should have been so he could breathe。
The loss touched me acutely。 The waste even more。 Gideon Ravenor had been the greatest; most promising pupil I had ever taught。 I
stood by his plastic…sheeted cot; listening to the suck and drool of his ventilator and fluid drains and remembered what Commodus
Voke had said in the arbites sector house on Blammerside Street。
'I will make amends。 I will not rest until every one of these wretches is destroyed and order restored。 And then I will not rest until I
find who and what was behind it。'
Right then; there; for Ravenor's sake; I made that promise to myself too。
At that time; I had little idea what that would mean or where it would take me。
I RETURNED TO the Ocean House at last on what would have been the ninth and final day of the Holy Novena。 There was no one to
greet me; and the place seemed empty and forlorn。
I stalked into my study; poured a too…large measure of vintage amasec and flopped down into an armchair。 It felt like an eternity since
I had sat here with Titus Endor; worrying over speculations that seemed now so insignificant and remote。
A door opened。 From the instant chill in the air; I knew at once it was Bequin。
'We didn't know you'd returned; Gregor。'
'Well; I have; Alizebeth。'
'So I see。 Are you alright?'
I shrugged。 'Where is everybody?'
'When the…' she paused; considering her words。 'When the tragedy occurred; there was a great public commotion。 Jarat and Kircher
took the staff into the secure bunkers for safety; and I locked myself away with the Distaff in the west wing; waiting; hoping for your
'Channels were out。'
'Yes。 For eight days。'
'But everyone is safe?'
I leaned out of my chair and looked at her。 Her face was pale and drawn from too many nights of fear。
'Where's Aemos?'
'Outside; with Betancore; Kircher and Nayl。 Von Baigg's around too。 Is… is it true what we've heard about Gideon?'
'Alizebeth… it's…'
She crouched down and put her arms around me。 It is difficult for a psyker to be hugged by an untouchable; no matter how long and
close their personal history。 But her intentions were good; and I tolerated the contact for as long as seemed polite。 When I gently
pushed her back; I said; 'Send them in。 In fact; send everyone in here。'
'They won't all fit; Gregor。'
'The sea terrace; then。 One last time。'
SITTING OR STANDING around in the lime glow of the sea terrace; the numerous members of my faithful band looked at me expectantly。
The place was packed。 Jarat had fussed around; bringing out drinks and sweetmeats until I had pressed a glass of amasec into her
gnarled hands and forced her down into a chair。
'I'm closing the Ocean House;' I said。
There was a murmur。

'I'm retaining the lease; but I have little wish to live here any more。 In fact; I have little wish to be on Thracian any more。 Not after
this… Holy Novena。 There seems no point maintaining a staff here。'
'But; sir; the library?' Psullus said from the back。
I held up a finger。
'I will take up a contract arrangement with one of the hive accommodation bureaux to keep the house in working order with servitors。
Who knows; sometime I might have need of a place here again。'
I refilled my glass before turning back。
'But I wish to move my centre of operations。 It's compromised; if nothing else。'
At that; Jubal Kircher looked into his cit…juice uncomfortably。
'I wish to relocate the household to the estate on Gudran。 Its environment suits me better than this… hive…hell。 Jarat; you and Kircher
will supervise the packing and organisation for the move。 I would like you to undertake the duties of head of household at the Gudrun
estate; if you are willing。 I realise you have never been off Thracian。'
She sat forward; her eyebrows raised; considering this sudden change to her life。 'I… I would be honoured to do so; sir;' she said。
'I'm pleased。 The country air will do you good。 The estate is managed by a caretaker staff; so I'll need a good housekeeper; and a good
chief of house security。 Jubal… I'd like you to consider that job。'
'Thank you; sir;' said Kircher。
'Psullus… we're going to transplant the library permanently to Gudrun。 That task is yours; as is the ongoing duty of being my librarian。
Can I entrust you with it?'
'Oh; yes… there will be problems; of course; the handling and care of certain shielded texts and—'
'But I can leave it with you?'
Psullus waved his frail hands at me in a gesture of excitement that made everyone laugh。
'I know this wholesale move will take months to manage and carry out。 Alain… I'd like you to supervise and oversee the whole thing。'
Von Baigg looked suddenly awkward。 'Of … of course; inquisitor。'
'This is a weighty task; interrogator。 Are you up to it?'
'Yes; sir。'
'Good。 I will return to the Gudrun estate no later than ten months from now。 I trust it will be the home I expect。'
It was a promise I wo
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